
Budapest, Hungary
24 - 27 October 2011
Venue: The Headquarters of the Hungarian Meteorological Service (1 Kitaibel Pál street, Budapest) |
Monday, 24 October |
0830-0900 |
Registration |
0900-1200 |
Opening addresses by the President of HMS the Organizers |
Mestre, O. (FR) |
Main results of COST HOME |
Szentimrey, T. (HU) |
Theoretical aspects of homogenization |
Venema, V., Mestre, O. and COST-HOME group |
A blind test of monthly homogenisation algorithms |
Lunch break |
1330-1700 |
Benchmark |
Willett, K. and the ISTI Benchmarking and Assessment Working Group |
Creating a global benchmark cycle for the International Surface Temperature Initiative |
Williams, C. N., Menne, M., Thorne, P. (US) |
Structural Uncertainty in the USHCN temperature records |
Guijarro, J. A. (ES) |
Influence of network density on homogenization performance |
Mestre, O. (FR) |
A focus on correction of the early part of the networks in the benchmark experiment |
Domonkos, P., Venema, V. (ES, DE) |
Efficiencies of homogenisation methods: our present knowledge and its limitation |
 | Tuesday, 25 October |
0900-1200 |
Methods and software for monthly data |
Grimvall, A., Sirisack, S., and Sysoev, O. (SE) |
Segmentation of Multiple Time Series Using a Tree Algorithm and Dynamic Programming |
Robin, S. (FR) |
Some statistical tools for change-points detection |
Lindau, R., Venema, V. (DE) |
What is the correct number of breaks points hidden in a climate record? |
Domonkos, P. (ES) |
ACMANT: Why is it efficient? |
Mestre, O., Domonkos, P., Picard, F., Robin, S., Lebarbier, E., Prohom, M., Aguilar, E. (FR,ES) |
Combining pairwise/joint/ACMANT detections in HOMER software |
Lunch break |
1330-1700 |
Methods for daily data |
Stepanek, P. (CZ) |
Comparison of correction methods for inhomogeneities in daily time series |
Szentimrey, T. (HU) |
Theoretical questions of daily data homogenization |
Auer, I., Chimani, B. (AT) |
AT-HOM - a homogenized daily temperature and precipitation data set for climate impact studies in Austria |
Stepanek, P., Zahradnicek, P., Mozny, M. (CZ) |
Experiences with quality control and homogenization of daily data of various meteorological elements in the Czech Republic |
Petrović, P. (RS) |
Application Of The ReDistribution Method On Custom Data Subsets |
 | Wednesday, 26 October |
0900-1200 |
Homogenisation and quality control of climate data series |
Rustemeier, E., Kapala, K., Venema, V., Simmer, C. (DE) |
Detection and correction of breakpoints in longterm German precipitation series |
Dubuisson, B., Gibelin, A. L., Jourdain, S., Colombon, N. (FR) |
Homogenization of monthly Temperature and Precipitation over France |
Andresen, L. (NO) |
Homogenization of monthly long-term temperature series of mainland Norway |
Vízi, Zs., Saunders, M. (UK) |
Quality control and detection of inhomogeneities in wind observation data in the Met office Integrated Data Archive System (MIDAS) |
Bertrand, C. (BE) |
Data quality control within the RMI climatological network. |
Freitas, L., Pereira, M. G., Amorim, L., Caramelo, L., Mendes, M., Nunes, L. F. (PT) |
Portuguese temperature dataset homogeneity with HOME R |
Lunch break |
1330-1800 |
Management Committee of COST HOME |
| Thursday, 27 October |
0900-1230 |
Homogenisation and quality control of climate data series |
Nordli, . (NO) |
The homogenisation of the Oslo temperature series 1837-2011 |
Guijarro, J. A. (ES) |
Experiences of homogenization of different climatological variables with the Climatol package |
Fratianni, S. (IT) |
Considerations on snow data |
Mikulová, K., Breja, S., Stastný, P., Bochníček, O., Kajaba, P. (SK) |
Risks dealing with data preparation of sunshine duration for homogenization process |
Lakatos, M., Szentimrey, T., Bihari, Z., Szalai, S. (HU) |
Data homogenization in CarpatClim project |
Lunch break |
1400-1700 |
Possibility for presentations of various software |