Monday 16 September 2024
Conferences, workshops

HungaroMet: 2009. december 15. 12:00

Second Session of Southeastern Europe Climate Outlook Forum – 2009

23–27 November, 2009
Hungarian Meteorological Service
Budapest, Hungary

The idea of “climate outlook forums” originated at a Workshop on Reducing Climate-related Vulnerability in Southern Africa, held at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, in October 1996. Recognizing that climate predictions could be of substantial benefit to many parts of the world in adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate variability and change, planning was initiated to establish a regional climate outlook forum (RCOF) with an overarching responsibility to produce and disseminate a regional assessment (using a predominantly consensus-based approach) of the state of the regional climate for the upcoming season. Built into the RCOF process is a regional networking of the climate service providers and user-sector representatives. Recognizing its vulnerability to extreme climatic variability, Africa has been a pioneering and enthusiastic participant in the RCOF process. Participating countries recognize the potential of climate prediction and seasonal forecasting as a powerful development tool to help populations and decision-makers face the challenges posed by climatic variability and change. National and Regional capacities are varied but certainly inadequate to face the task alone. Since 1997, when the Forum process started at Kadoma in Zimbabwe, Africa has benefited from a significant amount of capacity building and funding which has enabled the Southern Africa Climate Outlook Forum (SARCOF) to meet twice a year, the PRESAO (Prévision Saisonnière en Afrique de l’Ouest) once a year and the Greater Horn of Africa (GHA) two/three times each year. In parallel, National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) and some decision makers have come to realize the potential benefits to be gained and have played larger roles in the processes. Ownership now lies largely with national and regional players, but there is a continuing need for support at all levels to ensure that the momentum gained to date is maintained.

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