Friday 18 October 2024
Site map


• Latest weather
   • Observations
      - Temperature
      - Wind
      - Pressure
      - Precipitation
      - Humidity
      - Snow depth
   • Snow report
   • Radar
   • Lightning
   • Satellite
   • Weather fronts
   • Webcam
      - Balatongyörök
      - Budapest
      - Kab-hegy
      - Kaposvár
      - Kékestető
      - Pogányvár
      - Siófok
      - Szeged
   • Observation data - world
   • Water Temperature
• Warnings
   • Lake warnings
   • Public weather warning system
• Forecast
   • Countrywide forecast
   • Location forecast
   • Probability forecast
   • Weather anomaly in Europe
   • Model forecasts
      - ECMWF
      - AROME
      - WRF
      - MEANDER
   • Upper levels forecast
• Bioweather
   • UV radiaton
      - UV Index forecast
      - Measured data
      - Forecast map
      - Total ozone
      - UV radiation alerts
      - UV Index guide
• Aviation
   • Regional Area Forecast
   • Bulletins
   • Observations
• Lakes
   • Lake Balaton
      - Storm warning
      - Observations
      - Modell forecast
      - Wind forecast
      - Wave height analysis
      - Wave height forecast
   • Lake Tisza
      - Storm warning
      - Observations
      - Temperature
      - Modell forecast
   • Lake Velence
      - Storm warning
      - Observations
      - Temperature
      - Modell forecast


• Climate of Hungary
   • General characteristics
      - Data and methods
      - General characteristics
      - Temperature
      - Precipitation
      - Wind
      - Radiation
   • Climate Data Series 1901-2020
      - Budapest
      - Debrecen
      - Pécs
      - Szeged
      - Szombathely
   • Climate reports
      - Monthly reports
      - Decadel report
      - Centurial report
• Climate change
   • Climate modelling


• History
• Activity
   • Regional weather models
      - Introduction
      - Models
      - Data Assimilation
      - Physical parameterizations
      - Probabilistic forecasts
   • Application of the ECMWF models
   • Climate modelling
      - Modelling background
      - Model experiments
      - Climate indices
      - Uncertainties
      - Application
      - Urban climate modelling
      - Projects
      - Outreach
   • HAWK visualisation system
   • Air quality
   • Meteorological library
   • Meteorological museum
• Quality system
• Projects
   • ÉMNL
   • Hungairy
   • KlimAdat
   • DriDanube
   • KRITéR
   • RCMTéR
   • eGAFOR
   • INCA-CE
      - Introduction
      - Forecast charts
      - Publications
      - Video
   • UHI - Urban Heat Island
• Conferences
• Contacts


• Periodicals
   • IDŐJÁRÁS - Quarterly Journal
   • LÉGKÖR - Quarterly Newsletter